Secure Sign-Ups For Your JouleBug Organization
Ensuring your members have a secure way to sign into and join your JouleBug organization is a key part of a thriving community. JouleBug provides several options to help make your sign-up process user-friendly and secure.
Below are the options to securely sign up members to your JouleBug organization.
Enable Google SSO Authentication
One of the easiest ways to securely sign up members is to enable Google SSO authentication, which allows members of your Google Workspace to join and sign into JouleBug using a single set of credentials. With Google SSO authentication, you won't need to remember multiple passwords to access your organization.
Domain-Based Verification
Domain-based verification can be enabled to add an additional layer of security. This setting will allow administrators to specify domains and require email verification for those who join the organization. If the personal email entered by the user does not match the domain specified, the user will not be allowed to join.
Customize Secure SSO Authentication
In addition, JouleBug provides the following customization options so you can best fit your organization's security needs. You can customize secure SSO Authentication with MSAL, OKTA, and OIDC. With these options, you can easily adjust security parameters as needed.
Ensuring the security and user-friendliness of your sign-up process is made easy with our authentication options. With these features, you can secure your JouleBug organization today. Contact our support team to discuss your requirements and receive a quote.